Repair Café zu Ell

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When ?

4 March 2023

4 March 2023

(Local hour)
Visibility Everyone on or outside of Vibrerlocal
The location

Centre Camille Ney

40 Haaptstrooss, 8530 Ell
entity (image) #405
Related to this project Repair Café am Kanton Reiden
Event website
Games, Sports, Leisure Games, Sports, Leisure
Science, Technology, Innovation Science, Technology, Innovation
Social, Communication, Co-organization Social, Communication, Co-organization

Discover below the detailed descriptions of this meeting, REACT or COMMENT according to your aspirations.
Um Repair Café kanns du deng futtis Saache flécke loossen.
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Jeden der Lust hat vorbei zu kommen!
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👉 To access this information log in or create an account - click here ;-)
👉 If you wish to comment, improve or criticise this description, please login or create an account - click here!
Du kenns mat denge futtisse Saachen tëschent 14 a 17 Auer op een vun de Rdv’en. Du mells dech beim Empfang un. Entweder kenns du direkt un d’Réi a kanns bei de Repairer oder d’Repairerin, déi mat dir zesumme probéiert däi Stéck ze flécken. Vläicht muss du e bësse waarden, an dierfs der et am “Wartesall” gemittlech maachen, mat enger Taass Kaffi an engem Stéck Kuch. D’Flécken ass gratis, mee du kanns ee klengen Don un de Repair Grupp maachen, wann s du zefridde waars.
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👉 To access this information log in or create an account - click here ;-)
👉 If you wish to comment, improve or criticise this description, please login or create an account - click here!
👉 To access this information log in or create an account - click here ;-)
👉 To access this information log in or create an account - click here ;-)
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